How Do We Know When It’s Really a Crisis? Questions to Frame Your Thinking & Preserve Your Health

Session Speaker(s)

Drawing from Dr. Hayashida’s recent article in Inside Higher Ed about campus crises, the presenters will talk about the physical and mental manifestations of work stress on staff members, and how some of this stress can be relieved if we change our orientation to crisis.

When staff members are always in crisis mode, they are at high risk of burnout, poor health, a lack of creativity and job dissatisfaction. The presenters will talk about alternative ways of thinking about whether something is truly a crisis. What is the impact of the event? What is the number of people who are affected by the event? How quickly do decisions really need to be made? Is it a tragedy that requires a compassionate and deliberate response, or is it really a time-sensitive matter that demands quick action?

The presenters will explore how to trust your judgment, the conditions that help to support calm decision-making, and how to have a dialogue with your staff or with your supervisor to determine whether to be in crisis mode or not.

Session Goals & Outcomes

Attendees will learn about physical and emotional manifestations of stress and about ways of deciding whether a crisis exists. Attendees will explore what they might need from their supervisors and co-workers to cope in times of real crisis.